What I am thinking about
Impatience. Much of leadership is influencing others to do what we ask them. That means, we direct, or request, they complete tasks. What might take us a few hours ends up taking our staff hours or days more. Furthermore, the product is not as good. At least we think that. Is it truly not as good, or is it not as we would have done it?
Our impatience gets in the way of others’ possibilities. What good does it do to assign a learning opportunity only to micromanage it? I see this all too often when I work with leaders across industries. They are impatient, and rather than wait for results, they start meddling. Their way is the best way. The “how” is not as important as the “what.”
Three things happen when a leader assigns a task and waits for the employee to complete. 1. The employee builds confidence; 2. Confidence builds initiative and self-reliance, and 3. It builds trust and cooperation. Yes, sometimes there may be room for improvement, and that is great. Your employee is learning!
Impatience is a nag. It serves no one. Let’s curb the impatience and let our folks fly.
What am I listening to
This week, I am listening to The Dream, Season 1. I am skeptical of MLM’s, and listening to this podcast there is good reason. I do not know anyone who has been successful. Maybe you have. The stories of mostly women who have tried MLM’s was heart wrenching. The podcasters focus on the how MLM’s work, how they recruit and how folks must invest. They pull the curtain back on the MLM business, its history in pyramid schemes, the law, and why is so easy to start a MLM. It is shocking.
What’s New
Last week, I officially posted my new on-line leader professional development. This on-line series teaches leaders how to manage remote teams. Remote workers are highly productive and satisfied, and bad leadership can be detrimental to the team. Topics range from making connections (communication) to learning how to facilitate on-line meetings. If you know anyone who has a remote team, here’s the link.
What I am baking
What I am baking One of my friends asked I wanted to join the Bake From Scratch Better Baking Academy. This is a year’s long on-line course where there is one baking goal per month. Bake from Scratch provides the recipe, tips and lovely videos to help. This month, February, our assignment was triple chocolate brownies. For my brownies, I substituted almonds for white chocolate and almond flour for chickpea flour. They are fabulous! Super moist and chocolate-y with a bit of crunch.